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The Rubicon curriculum includes aspects from the personal and social, critical and creative thinking and ethical capabilities. This includes the sub-strands of:

  • Recognition and expression of emptions
  • Development of resilience
  • Collaboration (including leadership)
  • Metacognition
  • Decision-making

Please use the interactive graphic below to explore our capabilities curriculum.

We aim to engage deeply with a smaller number of content descriptors, rather than more superficially across a broad range of content. So, for a 5-day program a school would generally choose two related content descriptors for the relevant level.

For example, at the 9-10 level the following content descriptors from different strands of the personal and social capability could be delivered together in the context of a 5-day bushwalk.

DescriptorExample Context
Collaboration descriptor: Evaluate own and others contribution to group tasks, critiquing roles including leadership and provide useful feedback to peers, evaluate task achievement and make recommendations for improvements in relation to team goals (VCPSCSO050)A peer-led, multi-day bushwalking journey provides a rich opportunity for students to undertake and reflect on authentic planning, decision-making and collaboration. Tasks like cooking, managing heath and safety, navigation and organisation of equipment offer a context for examining the importance of individual contributions, group processes and the impact of these on task achievement.
Resilience descriptor: Analyse the significance of independence and individual responsibility in the completion of challenging tasks (VCPSCSE045)