Sustainable Futures
We value personal, social and environmental sustainability to promote positive health and wellbeing. We support experiences that connect people with others and the environment.
Shaped by Challenge
We value opportunities for challenge as a means for growth. We engage in experiences that are driven by curiosity and discovery.
Building Community
We value relationships because we see them as an integral part of building community. We learn together embracing diversity, individuality and equity. We act with kindness, respect and with integrity to foster positive relationships.
Meaningful Experiences
We value purposeful exploration and adventure as an opportunity for a significant experience. We encourage and practice lifelong learning and recognise that what is learnt today, can be applied tomorrow.
Living our values
All members of our school community have a right to experience a safe and supportive school environment. We expect that all students, staff, parents and carers treat each other with respect and dignity. These expectations are underpinned through the Rubicon outdoor school values, equal opportunity and anti-discrimination policies. School initiatives such as Child Safe, Respectful Relationships and Safe Schools provide extra support to our school community in promoting student safety, gender equity and supporting LBGTQI+ communities.